公司資料 | Butao Ramen
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Corporate Information

Board of Directors

Executive Director

Mr. Tang Chun Ho Chandler

Ms. Sung Kwan Wun


Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Ho Lai Chuen

Mr. Lai Man Hin

Mr. Lee Koon Tak


Stock Code

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong , 8096


Headquartes and principal place of business

6th Floor, Goldsland Building, 22-26 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Registered office

Windward 3, Regatta Office Park, PO Box 1350, Grand Cayman KY1-1108, Cayman Islands

Principal share registrar

Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited, Windward 3, Regatta Office Park, PO Box 1350, Grand Cayman KY1-1108, Cayman Islands


Hong Kong branch Share registrar and transfer office

Boardroom Share Registrars (HK) Limited, 2103B, 21st Floor, 148 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong


Place of incorporation

Cayman Islands


Web-site address


Reporting Accountants

D & Partners CPA Limited

Room 2201, 22/F, West Exchange Tower,

322 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

(Certified Public Accountants)

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© 2019 created by Butao Ramen Ltd. 

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